Hari ini, saya benar-benar bingung ingin melakukan apa, sambil berdiam diri mencari ide dan melihat berbagai data mata kuliah yang telah saya lewati. Hingga akhirnya muncul bisikan-bisikan di telinga yang mengatakan, "hai.. kenapa gak upload aja data itu, kali aja ada yang butuh dan juga bisa menghemat space di komputer". Ada benarnya juga, sedikit tricky memang. Jika saja, data ini menghilang dari internet. Tapi tak apalah, data di komputer tetap disimpan saja. *malahcurhat hehehe
So, ini adalah data dari mata kuliah project management yang dulu telah saya tempuh di program studi sistem informasi. Sebuah mata kuliah dengan dosen wanita muda yang kritis huhuhu. Cus, dari pada terlalu lama baca, silahkan teman-teman lihat dan baca, atau jika ada yang butuh untuk di unduh, bisa juga di unduh dengan mengklik link di bawah ini.
Project Management
Based on the PMBOK® Guide - Fifth Edition
Chapter 1: CAPM and PMP
Exam Overview
Using This Study Guide
CAPM and PMP Exam Requirements
The Application Process
Exam Format
Exam-Taking Tips
Developing a Study Plan
Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
Use this study guide to prepare for the Project Management Exam
Anticipate the number and types of questions on the Project
Management Exam
Use effective tips for taking the exam
Create your own study plan based on your learning style Project Management Requirements
The Project Management Certification Exam
Minimum of high school diploma or global equivalent and either :
Minimum 500 hours PM experience
Minimum 35 contact hours of PM instruction Question Format
Situational questions
Mathematical questions
Recall questions
More than one correct answer
Double negative questions
Wordy questions
Correct answers, but to another question
Impossible questions Exam – Taking Tips
Factors That Aggravate Stress Countdown clock Uncomfortable test center Exam duration Exam – Taking Tips
Factors That Aggravate Stress Arriving early
Being rested
Brain dumping
Breathing Exam – Taking Tips
Additional Exam-Taking Tips Read the question first.
Note the important elements
of the question.
Read all answer choices.
Eliminate wrong answers.
Use the entire exam time. Developing a Study Plan Review the material at least three times. Take notes Use mnemonic devices. Developing a Study Plan
Learning Styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic / tactile. Learning Styles
Visual Learners
Visual learners see things to understand.
Study tactics :
Watch someone performing the task.
Review graphics.
Use flash cards.
Write out information.
Review handouts.
Use process flowcharts Learning Styles
Auditory Learners
Auditory learners hear things to understand.
Study tactics :
Listen to an explanation.
Read out loud.
Have someone ask you questions.
Play the audio CD with the key concepts. Learning Styles
Kinesthetic / Tactile Learners
Kinesthetic/tactile learners do things to understand.
Study tactics :
Make and use flash cards.
Take practice exams.
Do exercises.
Engage in drill and practice. Pre-Test
• What is Project Management?
• In Project Management we learn about Knowledge Areas
(KA)and Process Groups (PG). What is KA and PG?
• Do you have Project Management Office (PMO) in your
company and what is PMO ?
• What is Earned Value Management?
• What are the main constraints in your project?
• What kind of characteristic as becomes a good PM?
• What is gann chart, milestone and work breakdown structure?
Terima kasih telah membaca, dan have a nice day.
2 Komentar
Wuih cakep bener design data mata kuliah yang dibuat, kak.
BalasHapusKalau sekeren itu designnya, semangat belajar jadi nambah lagi.
@Himawan Sant
HapusWaduh, ada juga yang mampir ditempat saya yang sederhana ini hehehe. Betul, selain metode yang digunakan dosen atau sensei ketika menyampaikan materi di perkuliahan, penggunaan desain dalam sebuah media ajar juga menunjang ketertarikan akan materi yang disampaikan. Trima kasih telah mampir kak :D